Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Things I'll Miss in Ann Arbor, Issue 1

Damian's weekly Web Ops meetings.
(Stop making fun of me Nichole.)

If I recall correctly, it was Nichole who first dragged me into this Monday meeting. Since the first, I've sat (more or less) awkwardly watching people doodle-off while Damian gave the run down. Much to my surprise (and it wasn't as painful as anticipated) I was the subject of Josh and Jason's doodles today. Now I have something that captures my Web Ops awkwardness to put on my wall in Boston! Yay!

Jason's rendition:

Josh's rendition:

(Damian also put up some pics that might be clearer...)


Charlie Kondek said...

That's cute BUT where is all the great blog posts about the Kobayashi Maru and all the other pearls of widsom and martial training I've been dropping on you?! The Kobayashi Maru was the first thing they asked you about in Boston, wasn't it? Well, I mean, after that whole Celtics Pistons thing.

Nic said...

um hi - i will make fun of you and steal your cherry pop tarts. you dont want me to get angry and take your lip balm too. dont sass me!

Bombchell said...

those are cute