Monday, September 15, 2008

The Irish: Things I Learned and Things They Say

Things I learned:
  • Wiggyback = Piggyback
  • Crusty = A person who smokes a lot of pot, has poor hygiene and is a hippy. This is generally looked down upon.
  • Jog on = Piss off.
  • Public buses have an extremely negative connotation. You would have thought we had tied them down and drank all their liquor in front of them the way they reacted when we suggested taking the BU bus... the FREE BU bus.
  • Personal censors do not exist. They say anything they want to whomever they want. (This may be due to the fact that they are often intoxicated.)
  • The solution to every dilemma is, "live a little."

Things they say:

What's the crack?
  • TRANSLATION: What's the deal? or What's up?
  • CONFUSION ENSUES: Sean: What's the crack? Meesh: Why do they keep talking about crack? Sean: They think we're talking about drugs! [Sean and James burst into laughter]
Look at that gingervitis!
  • TRANSLATION: Look at that red-headed person! [Red-headedness being a disease in most every case.]
  • CONFUSION ENSUES: The red-head chuckles after misunderstanding the insult, directed at her, instead thinking a joke was made about dental hygiene.
Are you taking the piss?
  • TRANSLATION: Are you kidding me? or Are you pulling my leg?
  • CONFUSION ENSUES: Meesh: No, he can not come over. James: Why? Are you afraid of him? Meesh: Yes. I'm afraid your friend is going to pee on me. (Although that was probably because the friend was urinating in public.)
It feels like I have a wildebeast in my mouth!
  • TRANSLATION: My mouth is on fire because this sandwich is incredibly spicy!
  • CONFUSION ENSUES: No confusion. Hilarity ensues.

Senior year: Breaking language barriers and conquering new countries every weekend!!!

1 comment:

Charlie Kondek said...

Fascinating! Wow, I feel like you're on another planet telling me about the aliens.