Monday, September 8, 2008

In the words of Operation Ivy...

TAKE WARNING: If you are in Boston and value your personal space (AKA you would like at least one inch between you and others so as to avoid uninvited molestation) AVOID the Kells in Allston.

Friday night we decided to check it out. My oh my. Even our group of about six girls was swarmed immediately upon placing a big toe over the dancefloor threshold. Needless to say, we lasted for about half a song before issuing beat downs on our way out.

Boston is a dangerous place for single girls. Thankfully, not only have I taken boxing and karate but I know how to disassemble a rib cage with my big toe. And I'm not afraid to do it.

After escaping the Kells, we headed home making a pit stop at White Horse. It was my first time there. We showed up late and only stayed long enough for some stranger to tell me he was going to put me in his "fave five." Unique, I'll give him that. As we exited the bar, bouncers passed out candy. I have no idea why.

Saturday night the girls and I played board games in my room. Don't judge me... there was a tropical storm brewing outside my window.

Christina, God love her, whipped up a five course meal for all of us... then had problems washing dishes. It was her first time and she wasn't sure if she should use the same sponge on all her plates, bowls and utensils. We're learning. The meal was divine and thoroughly cooked unlike the one I attempted.

How bout those VMAs! When I grow up, I want to be Katy Perry. Or maybe just for Halloween. [When someone posts the banana pic I'll show you...]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh with the big toe rib cage comment...