Thursday, June 12, 2008

Who knew?

Tomorrow marks my second Friday and the completion of my second week at my internship. I've grown leaps and bounds already. Here's what happens when you start your first 9-5:

  1. You get painfully tired. So tired that sleeping from 7PM until 7AM won't remedy the problem.
  2. You get over it and stop hitting the snooze button. It doesn't help anyway.
  3. You are excited by simple things like having your own desk.
  4. Your back starts to hurt after a couple days.
  5. You create bizarre new chair exercises to combat pain and entertain yourself in a small area.
  6. You find bizarre things on the internet you would have never seen before (like blogs of Evangelical homeschooling mothers who rant for paragraphs about the evils of public schools and capitalism. And the Aptera, a vehicle I will own one day. )
  7. You learn about things you had no interest in but now feel smart knowing (like diesel engine and advancements in environmentally friendly vehicles.)
  8. You wonder what exactly people do every day at their desks.
  9. You lose the ability to communicate. This ability is regained after a solid five minutes of uninterrupted conversation (with another person. Talking to yourself doesn't count.)
  10. You count the hours until bed time (and realize why your dad is in bed by 9 every night.)
  11. You appreciate your parents' intolerance toward late hours and laziness.
  12. You would rather have a meaningful task to complete than sit idly pretending to work or doing nothing. That was so college.
  13. You don't know what to do with your free time.
  14. You tell yourself you physically can't look at a computer screen another second but you turn on your laptop the second you get home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

12. i totally agree, not having anything to do is like admitting that you are not needed... which you are not, but it is nice to at least pretend that you are. to share my intern experience i would like to say that once you are given a task, which makes you feel very excited and needed, you might encouter a situation in which you are forced to ask for help. for my boss that is admitting to incompetence... and pretty much anything i do is either too fast, to slow, right, but not my boss' right and therefore wrong... etc.
13. well... you have a problem then maria. i have absolutely no problem organizing me scarce free time. isnt it absolutely wonderful to have free time to just sleep and eat and finally be useless rather than trying not to be.
14.yeah... its sad but true