Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stop looking at me.

I found this while perusing one of my new favorite blogs, . . .I Hate So Much. Noelle and I used to play for hours. Literally. Making up our own questions. That would make you cry. Like, "would you rather have no limbs or three heads?"
Yea. I'm a little rusty. Let's just answer this one...

Would you rather…

be followed around by cameras and have ALL aspects of your life broadcast for the world to see


be in solitary confinement

for one year.

My initial reaction was to choose the cameras. I mean if they're following me around for my whole life I'd eventually get used to it. And I doubt anyone would watch. Maybe my dad. But then I was thinking of everything I do with my life. And I'd rather not broadcast it for the world. I mean people don't need to know every detail. People shouldn't know every detail. People don't need to see me taking a leak or picking my nose. I mean really. Plus I could probably entertain myself for a year of solitary confinement. Although I think I'd get bored after a couple months.

This is why the games Noelle and I play last for hours.

Final answer? Solitary confinement. I don't like commitments. I don't want people to watch me for the rest of my life. I get creeped out when people look at me for too long. Although if both of the prompts spanned one year I choose the cameras. I think it would be good character building.

Someone help me?


well-intentioned heartbreaker said...

hah. i just chose cameras. simply because while there are parts of my life i'd rather not show to the world, i would LOVE the rest. i would LOVE being on camera all the time. i never grew out of that 3-year-old-mommy-look-at-me! phase.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking my site :-)

I still can't decide what I would answer. Sometimes I have a really hard time answering my own questions. In some ways I think that being followed would be cool because it would change your whole life, but in some ways it'd be nice to have a year to just read and not do anything. I think I may go insane though.

Daszzle said...

Haha, nice post, I love these types of questions. I think I pick the cameras. Like you, I would probably get used to it and for a year I could probably be on my best behavior. Plus, I'd be like talking to the walls in solitary.

Unknown said...

I'd probably choose solitary. After seeing films like the Truman Show, I know for a fact i'd never get used to a camera crew or hidden cameras filming me non stop. lol

These questions are cool. There should be like a group of people, a club who ask questions in comments and stuff.

Anonymous said...

definitely solitary confinement...
i dont know what all these people do that say cameras, but when i think of private aspects of my life, well... they are private... one year in solitary confinement is not even that bad. think about all the books you always wanted to read, all this time to finally listen to some music, learn a language or just chill. one year and its over, while the other option means you will never have a moment alonw until you die.