Friday, May 2, 2008

Junior year, where'd you go???

Well, that's it folks! Junior year is pretty much over for me. (I'm just going to ignore the finals I still have to take for now...)

Every semester has passed by a little faster than the previous one. I have NO idea where this semester went. I still feel like we're a month (tops) into it. But apparently we're done. I think I should make a list of the things I accomplished/experienced to make myself feel better.

  1. Tried cream cheese for the first time ever (and loved it)
  2. Tried mayonnaise for the first time ever (by accident, but won't eat ham sandwiches without it now.)
  3. Lived without Tara for the first time in five semesters (and hated it. Will never do it again.)
  4. Turned 21 (but turned legal for the second time in my life... Still.)
  5. Secured my first internship
  6. Finally met my faculty adviser
  7. Went on vacation with people who weren't my family
  8. Made a graffiti wall in my room
  9. Filed taxes by myself
  10. Discover the wonders of Gmail
  11. ... and Skype
  12. Had Joe visit when he was taller than me
  13. Re-learned that you can't trust anybody ever
  14. Re-started my Netflix account (... not sure how I lived without it.)
  15. Discovered the L Word
  16. Started writing again
  17. Found my favorite bar (for now)
  18. Went clubbing, Zurich style
  19. Made friends with Omar, the Subway guy, who now recognizes and greets Noelle and I with a hug whenever we go
  20. Maintained a constant of roughly 30 beers in my refrigerator at all (sort of) times.

.... to be continued

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