Friday, May 30, 2008

Young love. Or something like that.

Joe had a lady friend over today. Mom and I picked up the two from school and the giggling commenced the second the car doors closed. Joe and his Swedish (and therefore blonde and beautiful) play date yapped away in the back as I turned up my iPod and sang to the steering wheel.

Within five minutes of walking through the front door, I found the two "wrestling" on the basement floor. Sweet high school infatuation. I rustled around and decided to relocate to a different level of the house. Mom texted me frequently to make sure they weren't doing anything that would result in a lawsuit. Affliction ensued. I struggled between leaving the young adults to their business and hovering at the top of the stairs listening for conversation like my Yai keeping tabs on her unexpecting neighbors.

Luckily there was not much time to misbehave before we left to pick up mom from work. I made awkward comments about "lovebirds" and the "Holy Ghost" before dinner but sure enough they were back in the basement "finishing their movie" for dessert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow someone earlier said your brother was a pimp.. But damn! When can I meet him?