Friday, January 4, 2008

A short shout out and a new experiment.

I'd like to take a minute to recognize two very important people in MMATM's life. Without Noelle and Christine, I would not be where I am today. Their support has helped this starving baby of a blog grow into the selfish infant stealing cookies out of the oven before they're finished that it is today. (That was NOT a reference to my childhood.) Their feedback is much appreciated and has provided the necessary encouragement to keep me afloat. It has also provided me with fun new ways to test myself physically and mentally.

Which brings me to my latest attempt at conquering the world of dreams. Noelle told me about something her mom used to do before falling asleep and swears by. This is how Noelle described it:

Your mind needs to be perfectly clear. Don't think of anything you have to do or anything you're worried about. Picture yourself on a cliff but you're not facing the cliff, your back is to it. Focus on the image strongly. Then picture a small rock or pebble in your hand. Bring your arm up and throw the rock behind you off the cliff but as you're throwing it over your shoulder think of the time that you want to wake up and you'll wake up at that time.

WOW! I can't pass up this experiment. Hopefully it goes better that the lucid dreaming failure that ended with my dad breaking his legs and yelling at me while driving through a graveyard last night. If it works I'm going to teach it to Christina so she can replace that obnoxious, ulcer-inducing, dancing and singing hippo with this peaceful alternative to an alarm clock.

(Ms. Knopf... Come to Boston! We have a blow-up mattress that's calling your name!!)

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