Monday, July 21, 2008

When I have a lot to say, I go MIA...

Yea, yea. I'm a loser.

It's been busy here in Ann Arbor. Last weekend carnies and old people infested the streets for Art Fair. I didn't get to look around as much as I would have liked, but I saw the essentials (a punk in stilts yelling at passers-by, the beer tent, hippy musicians and a lost Asian infant following a stranger's dog through the fair.)

Dad came to pick me up Friday for an action-packed weekend. We walked into Birmingham where we feasted on burgers at
the Hunter House, a diner/truck stop place. Surprisingly, there was air conditioning, good music and a crowd of civilized patrons. The burgers were excellent. We proceeded to Dick O'Dows, a local Irish pub. We ordered Guinness and waited for the band. While waiting, I had to protect my dad from a man who stood conspicuously close while ordering a fruity drink. He flexed as hard as his muscles would allow, making sure to brush his upper arm against my poor, unassuming father. The crowd was varied; everyone was there from under-aged/newly legal drinkers (including myself) and the Stepford Wives fully equipped with bags that cost more than the worth of my life and enough silicon to make a family of barbies, to well dressed European men and one woman who looked EXACTLY like Bette Midler. Dad and I got another beer and enjoyed the live music then headed home where I watched Erykah Badu on HD.

Next day I woke up around noon. We attempted a bike ride but it started raining so we went grocery shopping instead. Grocery shopping stresses me out. After that we went into the city for a lovely dinner and then walked to the outdoor Jazz Festival where we were met by another interesting crowd of people (including families dressed in exactly the same clothes and a hooker roaming around looking for work.) The music was enjoyable and the weather was breezy. Two nights of live music in a row. Not a bad deal. Sunday I woke up late again. Dad and I went on a long bike ride around town. I almost lost control of my bike while trying to maneuver across tiny rocks that constantly shifted under the tires, but ALAS! I made it. We drove into a wedding party consisting of Italian mobster barbie dolls. Dad congratulated them across his shoulder as we heaved up a hill. I almost drove into three small children speeding towards me but I got off my bike to avoid colliding with the demon children. That night dad cooked me a delicious four course meal including a fantastic red wine salad. As we headed toward the car to return to Ann Arbor he exclaimed,

"I hope you remembered your antiperspirant. You're driving."

Driving, like grocery shopping, is the bane of my existence. I never really learned. Long story. Moving on. It was a loooong drive back as I gripped the wheel trying to dart past immobile grannies and speeding teenagers, all while the Greek CD I burned for mom played in the background. My contacts went foggy halfway through the trip because I forgot solution and had to store them in eye drops all weekend. Preeeetty sure that's not ok. We got back in one piece.

Driving while singing Greek music and suppressing the urge to dance is not an easy task.

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