Saturday, July 12, 2008

Things I've Learned At My Internship:

  1. Sniffing their baby's farts makes moms happy.
  2. Old people are having more sex and getting more STDs.
  3. Wal Mart's new logo looks the same as a drawing Kurt Vonnegut made of his asshole.
  4. Anderson Cooper is younger than Denzel Washington and started prematurely graying at 20.
  5. Captain Kirk was the only person to pass the Kobayashi Maru; though there's debate as to his methods, it's commonly believed he used his charm to have a woman reprogram the Kobayashi Maru to allow success.


Anonymous said...

It's true - “A baby’s fart is a very powerful stimulus,” noted Sunderton. “It makes sense biologically. Babies farts are completely and utterly disgusting to their caregivers. It makes sense that nature would build in a system that would counteract that stimulus.”


Anonymous said...

I feel like you should give hot and sexy man some credit for teaching you these useful tidbits.

Charlie Kondek said...

You've learned your lessons about the Kobayashi Maru well! Always, always remain vigilant. The office is a nest of vipers and psychic assassins.