Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Check out my notes from Communication Revolution today. The class goes from 11 to 12:30 and is my first class in a nine-hour class day. The professor lectures the entire time and sometimes (most of the time) I doze off. This is what happens to my notes:

Notice in the middle the writing gets lighter and sloppier than usual.

This example of dozing-off-notes is particularly interesting because instead of making squigly lines that mean nothing, I actually wrote words that had nothing to do with the lecture. The words are:

...it's not ??? go for one guy when he is an asshole asshole...

I couldn't make out the whole sentence. I snapped out of my short snooze giggling because "asshole" was repeating in my head over and over.

I think I'll stay up late before the next Comm Revolution class to see what I write while dozing off again.

(... yes that does say Constantinipple at the top of my notes. I was bored. He wrote Constantinople on the board. It looked like Constantinipple. I laughed.)

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